Non-Exec Directors Overview


Getting To Know You



Itegrate is able to provide a range of director services to support UK SME businesses.

Our first level of support is with our UK based Non-Exec Directors.

Where there is a greater need of support, we can provide an Integrated Board of Directors, either pre-configured or choose each director directly for your own fully configured Integrated Board.
These services are designed to meet the ongoing needs of your business, allowing setup, growth and scale.

Integrated Directors

Our Integrated Directors are specialists in their field and they will assist you in making positive change within your business.

The focus for our Integrated Directors is on helping UK business owners further improve their business by being guided by somebody that knows their industry and business function.

Operating behind the scenes or to do whatever it takes to support you, is part of the essence of what makes our Integrated Directors so valuable.


iTegrate wants to get the best solution that will work for your business.

This is why as well as our fantastic directors, where there is a specific area that you really need additional help with, suppliers can  also provide a boost.

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